Who is LNOTA for?

Who is LNOTA for?


Occupational Therapists often work directly with the person who is experiencing difficulties, they may be a child or an adult who is experiencing one or more of the types of conditions listed here that can all form part of the pattern of neurodevelopmental difficulties.

  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorders)
  • Behavioural difficulties (sleeping, eating, tantrums etc)
  • Developmental Co-ordination Disorders (Dyspraxia)
  • Eating difficulties and disorders
  • Irritability and anger difficulties
  • Low self-esteem and poor confidence
  • Low mood (mild to moderate depression)
  • Long term / life-long physical or developmental disabilities
  • Mild to moderate anxiety disorders, worries and fears
  • Sensory integration difficulties / Sensory Processing disorders
  • Self-destructive behaviours (including self- harm, risky behaviours)
  • Learning difficulties
  • Sensory Processing Disorders

In addition, attachment and trauma may also have an impact on how a person processes sensory information and develops over time.

This list is not meant to be exhaustive and is given to help illustrate the range of needs that can be addressed and may be presenting at the different life stages of the individual concerned.

LNOTA also provides services for those who live with, support, teach, care for or work with the individuals who have these difficulties (see additional pages for further details.